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BeitragHello everyone, it's been over 5 years but I'm back in Germany again! Currently playing online SFV- PC-SamsonSRK PS4-SamsonK I'm getting all my household goods in tomorrow and I'll be able to travel soon!
99% chance I will make it to this tournament, I will be leaving at the end of this month so this will definantly be my last event here for sure lol... this time it's official.
BeitragFor anyone curious, I'm officially leaving on the 31 of May (end of this month). I was supposed to leave much earlier (early March) but things got a little complicated but now I know when I'm leaving.
Major thanks to the tournament organizers, this was a awesome event and I was happy I could attend! Thank you everyone for the well wishes and farewells, I'm fortunante and glad to witness these events getting better and better. The video tribute present was very unexpected and I've never received that kind of attention before and got a little tear lol... it will be something that I won't forget. I don't know how active or strong the scene in Missouri is (the state I'm going to work in), but I w…
5 euro entry is fine. I brought up the topic a long time ago, but I really do think if more German tournaments use the entry fee prize pool more distant skilled people would come. I do not know if it's the casual nature that would turn off the players here about a small entry fee, but the nature of a tournament is not to be casual and to have something to give your all to. I still plan on coming if there's the normal sponsor prizes because there is always atleast a 50 person turn out. I do belie…
Put me on attendance please, I will most likely attend. 3rd Strike, SSF4, and Blazblue P.S.- I also posted on the SRK thread with a minor suggestion on possible prize structure.
Big thanks to the neutron team and everyone who contributed to this event, it was very enjoyable and I'm glad I attended! Thanks to the blazbluers, I have alot to learn and I need to get it on ps3. To start my pool was pretty tough and exciting lol, shinjo and toxic got great wins off me, and chillcut almost got me as well... Thanks to Li for giving me advice during the winners, losers, and grand finals. I am normally to eager to win so I can be too risky... even though he would remind me, my h…
A big thank you to the tournament organizers, it was a dope event and I am very grateful I made it! And a special thank you to all the new people I met and got to play, these tournaments are the only offline casuals I can get, my execution seems to peak so high towards the end of the day I cannot belive it myself sometimes lol.
Sorry if it was already asked, but do you know if there will be designated parking?
EVO 2010 July 9-11
BeitragPools were huge and took a long time lol. I lost to yipes(Abel) and eita(Akuma)!
EVO 2010 July 9-11
BeitragPool M for SSF4
Will there be any good parking? (I know frankfurt is the worst lol)
I was hoping for another event before EVO, get HYPE! :good:
Thanks to the FightClubNRW staff for organizing the event, without them it would not have happend! It was awesome to see the event get shoutouts from Calipower and S-Kill, even better to hear s-kill say some german names lol! I was pretty clueless against shind's Juri, he played excellent as expected, congrats on not only winning, but using a new character and dominating very well Thomson and I have faced each other in every NRW tournament, and he gets closer and closer each time... I was actual…
98% Chun-li 1% Boxer 1% Juri See you all tomorrow!!! :good: EDIT: For everyone who requested more than one drink, I will start selling them right before the tournament starts, and I will not sell more than one per person until people get a chance to buy one (limited supply). I would hate for someone to have multiple drinks when someone else did not get any, please understand